An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Tuesday and Friday, repeating until October 29, 2019
A performance project by the Open Program in partnership with the The People’s Forum & The Andrew Freedman Home
What is home? Where we come from, where we go to, where we live. A place lost, a place found, a dream pursued, an existence destroyed; a feeling, an aim, a nightmare – application forms, a lottery, an impossibility. HOME will be a theater piece created by people who have to tell you something about this human experience; its different aspects, abuses, struggles, hopes, circumstances and obstacles, and the fight to to be able to say, HOME.
Join us and create a story that needs to be told. HOME.
The rehearsals of HOME will introduce different aspects of the research of the Open Program and will give the opportunity to work one on one on selected texts, songs and acting fragments. The classes are for everybody who wishes to discover theater as a tool for their own personal work and life, be it in public speaking, activism or teaching.With its various fundamental elements such as the work on associations and actions, theater is a tool to reclaim and create spaces of encounter and exchange. We propose a creative process that has a political dimension and explores personal and social relations, creating meaning in action through text, song and the presence of the performer and the spectator/witness. In a performative situation, can we reach a state of communion in which the borders between audience and spectator disappear? The theatre work of the Open Program is based on more than 30 years of research; the technical aspects of the classes will include work on the relation between precision and organicity, the creation of the acting score, improvisation within a structure, composed movement and rhythm, work on song and the vibration of the voice, awareness of space/partners and reacting to them.
Rehearsals will take place every Tuesday & Friday beginning October 4th
Suggested Donation $10