Module 6: Building Socialism, An Achievable Necessity
Class: Socialism and Sovereignty Today: Korea
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 30, 6:30-8:30PM
In 1945, the Korean people freed their lands and people from Japanese colonialism, ridding themselves from imperialist pillage and violence. Anti-colonial resistance was militant, with peasants, communists, student movements etc. all taking up the struggle for national liberation. In an effort to destroy the independent socialist construction in Korea, the U.S. divided the country at the 38th parallel, launching a war on the socialist advancement in the north. Since then, Korea’s sovereignty has been constantly under attack, with the attempts of reunification being jeopardized by U.S. imperialist interest and the constant demonization of North Korea. As the US militarily escalates in the region, understanding the Korean struggle for sovereignty and reunification is a vital front in the global anti-imperialist struggle.
Facilitator: Nodutdol, an organization of diasporic Koreans and comrades based in occupied Indigenous lands known as the United States and Canada organizing for a world free of imperialism, and for Korea’s re/unification and national liberation.