We are excited to share with you all TPF’s political education resource platform!
Visit it here: https://politicaleducation.peoplesforum.org/revolutionary-summer-school-1
This is a platform for you to use for your individual or collective study.
You will find syllabi, study materials, videos, and lectures organized in this site from this year’s Revolutionary Summer School, this year’s Paths of the Cuban Revolution and previous courses we have held, such as Art, Culture, and Resistance and Revolutionary Feminism (which we will offer again this year and the following!)
If you were interested in our summer school but could not join, this is a way for you to take on the study at your own pace. As we go through the Revolutionary Summer School 2021, we will be adding content, so please keep checking back for updates!
Before you begin, read through our ABOUT section of HOW TO and POLITICAL EDUCATION.
Definitely check out the STUDY TIPS under the RESOURCES section for some ideas on how to organize your notes and your time. Make sure you also read through the METHODOLOGY we use, so that you can adapt these resources to your interests and needs.
You can also find a lot of related books at our bookstore, 1804books.com!
While this site can be used for you to study on your own, we know that no revolutionary process happens in isolation. We encourage you to set up study groups and host regular discussions with your friends and comrades.