Its Not Where You Live Its How You Live is a story about the everyday struggles of working class people in a public housing estate in Dublin, Ireland. Struggles over work, money, food, love and care. These are the ‘How you Live’ issues. They are all here wrapped in a tight weave which is dense and often oppressive. We need to understand what we want to change. The book provides that understanding of what needs to change and also why things need to change. It provides the material for class, gender and race struggles within public housing and across cities. The book tells a particular story that is at the same time universal in that it is as common to New York or Chicago as it is to Dublin. Books might help change the world but it is people who will abolish capitalism and provide the imagination for a new world where war and profit and exploitation are not its dominant themes. Building strong connections between our understanding and our activism is crucial. The book is a contribution to that process. it is an absolute pleasure to be able to come to the People’s Forum to discuss the book and perhaps more importantly to share our common struggles across the world.
Watch the livestream HERE.