High Beginner reviews topics covered in Arabic 1 course. Expands vocabulary and idiomatic expressions; focus is on colloquial Arabic and differences among varieties through critically engaging with various Arabic-speaking pop culture.
This course will seek to understand the recent political, social, and economic events in Puerto Rico before, during, and after the mass mobilizations that forced out the elected governor in July of 2019.
Together, we will explore what it means to learn about a language of a nation forged in the flames of an anti-colonial revolution and continues to develop as a people in an ongoing national-democratic struggle.
Wall Street stands above all other command centers of global capitalism, and that’s why it’s so important that people struggling from below come here to see it for themselves.
An event to celebrate the community of activists who are actively raising awareness, and inciting action toward decarceration. This event includes a performance of an excerpt from La Paloma Prisoner, Colombian musicians and Colombian food!
Join us for this teach-in geared towards building solidarity between the Kashmiri and Palestinian anti-occupation movements.