Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Wolff has also taught economics at Yale University, City University of New York, and the University of Paris I (Sorbonne).

Wolff has published many books and articles, both scholarly and popular. Most recently, in 2012, he published the books Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism (Haymarket Books) and Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian, with Stephen Resnick (Cambridge, MA, and London: MIT University Press). He writes regularly for

He has been interviewed on The Charlie Rose Show, Up With Chris Hayes, Bill Maher’s Real Time, RT-TV, Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now!, Al Jazeera English, Thom Hartman, National Public Radio, Alternative Radio, and many other radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad. The New York Times Magazine named him “America’s most prominent Marxist economist.”

His work can be accessed at and Wolff lives in Manhattan with his wife and frequent collaborator, Dr. Harriet Fraad, a practicing mental health counsellor.

Past Classes with Richard D. Wolff

March 31, 2019 @ 10:00 am

Uses of Marxist Critical Concepts for Everyday Life

This four hour seminar, taught by Richard D. Wolff, will summarize and apply the critical and analytical power of basic Marxist economics to today's dominant economic theories and their accompanying ideologies.
Event Categories:
October 14, 2018 @ 12:00 pm

Marxian Economics Intensives with Richard D. Wolff

A Marxian class analysis around four areas of inquiry: Capitalist enterprises- merchant, industrial, and financial; Households and the State; Globalization; and Socialism and Communism.
Event Categories:
September 30, 2018 @ 12:00 pm

Marxian Economics Intensives with Richard D. Wolff

A Marxian class analysis around four areas of inquiry: Capitalist enterprises- merchant, industrial, and financial; Households and the State; Globalization; and Socialism and Communism.
Event Categories: