Geo Maher is an organizer, writer, radical political theorist and Visiting Associate Profesor at Vassar College.  He has been Visiting Scholar at the Decolonizing Humanities Project at the College of William & Mary, the Hemispheric Institute in New York and the Institute of Social Research at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and has taught previously at Drexel University, U.C. Berkeley, San Quentin State Prison, and the Venezuelan School of Planning in Caracas. He holds a B.A. in Government and Economics from St. Lawrence University, a B.A. Hons. and M.A. in Social and Political Sciences from St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from U.C. Berkeley.

His first book, a history of revolutionary movements in Venezuela entitled WE CREATED CHÁVEZ: A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE VENEZUELAN REVOLUTION, was published by Duke University Press in 2013. He recently published a short follow-up on the political dynamics of the post-Chávez era entitled BUILDING THE COMMUNE: RADICAL DEMOCRACY IN VENEZUELA (Jacobin-Verso, 2016). His third book, DECOLONIZING DIALECTICS, was published in 2017, as the first volume in the Duke University Press book series RADICAL AMÉRICAS, which he co-edits with Bruno Bosteels.

His dispatches have appeared in The NationJacobin,  SalonHuffington PostCounterpunchMR ZineZNetVenezuela AnalysisAlternetWarscapes MagazineHistory Workshop OnlineMediaLeftThe SF Bayview, and Wiretap Magazine, and he has written op-eds for Fox News Latino and the Philadelphia Inquirer. His academic articles have appeared or are forthcoming in ConstellationsJournal of French and Francophone PhilosophySouth Atlantic QuarterlyTheory & EventLatin American PerspectivesContemporary Political TheoryQui ParleMonthly ReviewRadical Philosophy ReviewListeningJournal of Black StudiesHuman Architecture, and The Commoner, as well as numerous edited volumes.

He appears and is quoted frequently in the media on subjects ranging from Venezuelan politics to the Occupy Movement, notably Al JazeeraFox News LiveCNN EspañolRussia TodayNational Public RadioTelemundo, the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, and Brazil’s Gazeta do Povo and Correio Braziliense.

He is an avid translator of Latin American decolonial theory, and has translated several books and articles by thinkers like Enrique Dussel and Aníbal Quijano, among others.

Past Classes with Geo Maher

November 4, 2021 @ 6:30 pm


Join us at The People's Forum (320 West 37th Street) for a book talk and discussion with Geo Maher on his new book A World Without Police. This event is co-sponsored by Verso Books.
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