Dr. Adam Barnes is the coordinator of the Rights and Religions program at the Kairos Center. Born in St. Louis, MO and raised in Colorado, he has lived in New York since 2006 and worked at the Poverty Initiative/Kairos Center since 2007. In 2016 he completed a PhD in Comparative Theology at Union Theological Seminary. His dissertation investigates the liberative theology and spirituality emerging from anti-poverty struggles in the US and in a Sufi-Muslim community in West Africa. He received a BA in philosophy from the University of Chicago, and a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary. He is the father of three amazing children and married to Shailly Barnes.

Past Classes with Adam Barnes

October 8, 2019 @ 6:00 pm

To Set at Liberty the Oppressed: Movement Theologies and Bible Studies

The final session of this seven-part series will take up non-Christian theologies with the aim of expanding our understanding of how religious identity, practice, and understanding has formed and is forming through the struggle for liberation in the US.
Event Categories:
May 22, 2019 @ 5:30 pm

Theologies of Liberation

In this three-part course we will explore some of the key theological concepts at the core of this tradition and examine some of the historical and contemporary social struggles that generate and sustain a liberatory vision of God.
Event Categories:
Steve Pavey Photo of PPC
February 13, 2019 @ 5:30 pm

Religions and Social Movements

This course will investigate the relationship between social movements and religious traditions. Religions have been both oppressive forces and forces of liberation in the history of human struggle and these tensions have been critical to the development and sustaining of social movements around the world.
Event Categories:
November 6, 2018 @ 5:30 pm

Liberation Theology

The course will examine some of the principles behind liberation theology as it has emerged in historical struggles of the poor, including Latin American Liberation Theology, Black Liberation Theology, as well as in the context of non-Christian contexts.
Event Categories: