The Worker Writers School’s fall assembly examines the legacies and futures of alternative modes of writing, study, and resistance. Ruth Wilson Gilmore speaks on how the work of Stuart Hall inspires our struggles today; William Ayers and Eli Meyerhoff discuss the school as a space and formation for (and against) radical study; and Japanese translator and literary critic Hiroaki Sato helps lead a haiku workshop for members of Domestic Workers United, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, Damayan Migrant Worker Center, Retail Action Project, and other worker centers.
HAIKU Workshop: Hiroaki Sato, 5:30pm
(The workshop is free to members of all NYC worker centers and trade unions as well as interested workers, including the under- and un-employed, who are interested in learning more about cultural activism and organizing their places of work. Seating is limited so please arrive early for this session to secure a seat.)
Radical STUDY: William Ayers + Eli Meyerhoff, 7:00pm
Stuart HALL: Ruth Wilson Gilmore, 8:00pm