John and Gabriel Shipton, Julian Assange’s father and brother, will travel from Australia to undertake a nationwide tour of the U.S. beginning June 6 – July 2 to advocate for Julian’s release and to raise awareness about the importance of protecting journalists and a free press.
The Home Run for Julian tour, with stops in 18 cities on both coasts and the Midwest, was organized by the Assange Defense Committee.
Stand With Assange NY has organized a reception for John and Gabriel Shipton at The People’s Forum, 320 West 37th Street, NYC on June 10th from 6-8pm.
The Shiptons will be in New York City for one day only.
Guest speakers at the event include: Randy Credico, satirist and WBAI radio host, Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and tv host, Aaron Maté, journalist at The Grayzone and Roger Waters, composer and co-founder of Pink Floyd.