An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Saturday, repeating until December 7, 2019
Spanish for Bilinguals 1
Saturdays, September 28th – December 7th, 2019, 10pm-1pm (30 hrs). No Class on October 19th and November 30th.
Algarabía Language Co-op and The People’s Forum are offering Spanish courses to Spanish bilinguals* (“heritage” speakers). Through weekly social justice themes, and using a communicative and popular education approach, participants will improve their Spanish skills. These courses are designed for folks at different levels of fluency in their productive (speaking, writing) and receptive (listening and reading) skills. Special focus will be given to learning vocabulary and community organizing terminology relevant to contemporary social movements in the U.S. and Latin America.
Level 1 covers the basics of reading, writing and grammar; focus is on pronunciation and oral fluency; explores topics of identity, healing of language-based trauma, and overcoming affective barriers to Spanish learning.
*Spanish bilinguals are folks who grew up with Spanish being spoken at home or in their home community but were systematically denied access to bilingual education
At Algarabía Language Co-op, we see language learning as a meaningful, collaborative and transformative process reflected in our training in hands-on communicative and task-based language teaching approaches and our use of popular education in the language classroom. We seek to support the holistic development of all language learners—and, in particular, working-class folks of color— as they become competent multilingual speakers. We devise classroom activities and use textbooks and other original didactic materials that meet our participants’ needs and that represent the linguistic and racial/ethnic diversity of the Spanish-speaking worlds.