Featuring Alinca Hamilton, Donna Jean Fogel, Carl H. Jaynes, directed by Francesca Mantani Arkus. Performance followed by a discussion with Farah Diaz-Tello, a leading attorney on reproductive justice working with If, When, How — and law students who support reproductive freedom and justice.
An inspiring collection of writings on reproductive freedom and justice, including works by June Jordan, Justice Harry Blackmun and Sally Blackmun, Judith Arcana, Angela Bonavoglia, Esosa Edosomwan, Kathy Najimy and Mo Gaffney, Allie Costa, Michael David Quinn, Cindy Cooper, Living Newspaper Project, Feminist Health Network, Zoneziwoh Mbondgulo-Wondieh and more. Created by Cindy Cooper.
Presented as a staged reading.
Tickets: $5 donation.Order at BrownPaperTickets.
(Activists may attend for free: email reproductivefreedomfestival@gmail.com)
100% of proceeds will be donated to abortion services.
Sunday, April 28 2019, 3 pm
The People’s Forum
320 W. 37th St., NYC