Join TechActivist.Org for a conversation with Guest Speaker Sister Elaine Brown as we discuss the inclusion of technology in the liberation movement.
Today, we live in a world where technology is being used to innovate for a very small section of the global population, while the majority of people around the world are exploited and oppressed by these latest inventions. We are living in an era where white supremacy and colonization is not only found in our history books, but its bias also lies in our algorithms controlling our digital world.
In 1972, the Black Panther Party added “Community Control of Modern Technology” to their 10th point in their 10-Point Program and raised “The Technology Question.” As our communities continue to resist inequality and racism in the digital age, TechActivist.Org will kickstart monthly tech training workshops in New York City to teach what self-defense and self-determination looks like in the 21st century.
Doors open at 11:30 am. Food and drinks will be provided.