Module 2: How Revolutions are Born
Saturday Dialogues: The Media and the Battle of Ideas
Date & Time: Saturday, July 20, 1-3PM EST
“When a people is imbued with these ideas, when a people is convinced of these ideas, that people is invincible, and no weapons, no matter how sophisticated, can conquer them.” –Fidel Castro, on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Cuban Young Communist League, 1991
From Fox News to the New York Times, mainstream media has functioned as an arm of US imperialism and capitalism. The blatant lies and propaganda they’ve spread, particularly in the last 9 months of the US-Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people, has crystalized their position as agents of the ruling class in the eyes of the masses. Conversely, we’ve witnessed the power of alternative media platforms across the globe and even within the heart of the empire, and the role they’ve played in advancing liberation struggles and successfully exposing the lies of the imperialists.
This Saturday, July 20, we will break the myth of the objective mainstream media by speaking with two people who have been on the front lines of the battle of ideas: journalists Alina Duarte and Zoe Alexandra will share their experiences and insights on using alternative media platforms as tools for revolutionary struggle.
Facilitators: Zoe Alexandra, journalist at People’s Dispatch and Alina Duarte, journalist with De Raiz and popular educator with the National Institute of Political Education in Mexico