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September 15, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Free – $50

Walking pace is slow to moderate with public seating in certain stopping points. Participants will be informed of the meeting point.

“The Poor People’s Walking Tour of Wall Street” has evolved over the years since the 2008 economic crisis, but it has always been designed first and foremost for leaders emerging from the ranks of the poor and dispossessed – people on the front line of struggles against the interlocking evils, as Dr. King conceived, of poverty, racism, and militarism. And today, the fourth horseman of these Apocalyptic forces is the ecological crisis. John Wessel-McCoy, educator and organizer from the Kairos Center and the University of the Poor, has conducted tours with grassroots community and religious organizations from across the United States and social movement across the globe.

Wall Street stands above all other command centers of global capitalism, and that’s why it’s so important that people struggling from below come here to see it for themselves – to reflect on the Wall Street Bull, the New York Stock Exchange, to know our history, and to know who we’re up against. In this system, all corporations have to go to the bank and serve their shareholders. That is what Wall Street represents.

“The Poor People’s Walking Tour of Wall Street” helps us to see how all of our isolated fights ultimately lead us here.  All of our roads lead to this modern day version of Rome. It helps us break our isolation and realize our potential power.


September 15, 2018
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Free – $50
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