The documentary is a deep dive into the modern day impacts of colonialism and how they are affecting Puerto Ricans in the archipelago, and the activism targeting these injustices. This special screening is to help raise funds for our comrades from Puerto Rico — flights, stay and also for art materials for our contingent’s art build this year. This year, our theme is “The Crisis Persists, The People Resist”, a call for us to reclaim the space of the parade, and spread awareness around the issues plaguing our beloved archipelago. Joining us from the archipelago for a week of panels, community events, and workshops are Amigxs Del Mar, Alianza Mujeres Viequense, La Colectiva Feminista, and Comedores Sociales, all amazing organizations that we’re honored to be partnering with. We’re accepting SLIDING SCALE donations, meaning donate what you can!
RSVP here: