Thursday evenings, 7-9 PM EDT from September 30th to December 9th
Ever wanted to learn Filipino? Now is your chance to take a beginner’s course that will equip you with some basic knowledge of the national language of the Philippines. Whether you are of Filipino heritage, a student of languages, a researcher, a traveler, or just someone interested in learning a new language, this class is for you. Through this beginner’s course, not only will we be studying the language itself, but also the history of the Filipino people and the socio-cultural context that helped shape the national language. Join us on this journey!!
To apply, please send an email registering interest to
Please include RE: Beginner Filipino Course in the subject line
Please include your name and briefly describe why you are interested in learning Filipino
***Classes are offered on a sliding scale of $150-$250 and students will not be required to purchase a textbook***