A joint China-U.S. production, written and directed by Lee Siu Hin, a Chinese-American immigrant activist from Los Angeles, CA, now living in China.
This challenging 60 minute documentary is based on interviews during the continuing global crisis. The film exposes the disastrous results of prioritizing profits and the corporate failure to fight against the pandemic.
U.S. sanctions blocked life–saving vaccines to billions of people around the World. The sanctions on 1/3 of the world’s population and vaccines-for-profit policy is compared to China’s successful fight against COVID, their vaccine diplomacy, and their international solidarity that has benefited hundreds of millions of people across the World.
Lee Siu Hin –Writer, Director is a Chinese-American community, labor, antiwar and immigrant rights activists for grassroots struggle. He’s also a long-time Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles reporter and producer, and has been a war correspondent reporting on struggles in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.
Lee travels between China and U.S. working on international activist solidarity projects. He is the National Coordinator, China-U.S. Solidarity Network (CUSN), a network of academia and community activists in both countries committed to build a China-U.S. grassroots activist dialogue