Join Call to Action on Puerto Rico for our 8th Annual Day Fridav of Solidarity with the Independence of Puerto Rico. This year, we dedicate this event to both our people’s valiant resistance to colonialism and to our beloved CTA member Frank Velgara, who passed away in August 2022. Frank was a revolutionary who dedicated 50 years of his life to the national liberation of Puerto Rico and to the struggles for justice and liberation of working people everywhere. This Julv will mark the 125th anniversary of the U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico; it is also the anniversary of our RESISTANCE to that invasion. We denounce colonialism and acknowledge the work, sacrifices, and lives of those who have come before us. We stand on their shoulders.
Our speakers will update us on the gentrification of our island, the work to abolish La Junta Fiscal, the LUMA Energy/GeneraPR crisis, and the state of the Puerto Rican Independence Movement.
Speakers:• Jocelyn Velasquez, Jornada: Se Acabaron Las Promesas
• Licenciado Adrián González Costa Secretario de Organización del Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño
• Fermin Morales Ayala, Philly Boricuas Edwin Ortiz. Call to Action on Puerto Rico
Cultural Performances By
• BombaYo(ТВА)
• Mario Cancel
Livestream link: