La negra de aquel negro: entre la resistencia y la subversión (San Juan Bautista, siglo XVI)

The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United States

Para el conquistador las negras eran mercancía, y en este primer siglo de asimilación colonial a través de cientos de documentos fueron no solamente cosificadas, sino también fueron doblemente subordinadas. Su condición de mujeres implicaba un sometimiento  ante el hombre, el marido o el tutor. Sin embargo, dentro de este proceso de sujeción las negras utilizaron los intersticios del poder para resistir y subvertir.


Capital, Volume III

The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United States

*TPF is closed from March 10-23* Read and discuss Capital Volume III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole, with the Capital Studies Group.


Invention of the White Race

The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United States

*TPF is closed from March 10-23* A reading and discussion group of Theodore W.  Allen's "The Invention of the White Race Volumes I & II."


Highlights of Marx’s Capital, Volume 1

The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United States

*TPF is closed from March 10 - April 20* In a continuing quest to increase access for those who have been historically excluded, MEP is offering the highlights class beginning this January for women only.

Stirrings: How Activist New Yorkers Ignited a Movement for Food Justice

Violeta Parra Stage 320 West 37th Street, New York, United States

Lana Dee Povitz reveals the colorful characters who worked behind the scenes to build and sustain the movement, and illuminates how people worked together to overturn hierarchies rooted in class and race.

State of Siege

The People's Forum 320 West 37th Street, New York, NY, United States

Costa-Gavras puts the United States’ involvement in Latin American politics under the microscope in this arresting thriller.

Photo Exhibit: Prisoner with a Secret

A photographic survey of the ongoing homelessness crisis throughout New York City and beyond, that challenges the viewer to face the humans pushed towards the void of anonymity.