Binota Moy Dhamai has more than 15 years of experience in the Indigenous Peoples rights movement, network building, campaign and advocacy, in the national, Asia regional and international forum. He is a member of the Jumma-Tripura, one of the indigenous peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, where he was a student leader facing land dispossession and armed repression. He led as Coordinator the Asia Indigenous Peoples Caucus (2009-2014) to the United Nations Permanent Forum on indigenous issues (UNPFii), and the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) of the UN Human Rights Council. From 2013 to 2014, he represented Asia indigenous peoples group to the Indigenous Global Coordinating Group on the UN World Conference on Indigenous Peoples 2014. GCG was the political decision-making body with regard to indigenous peoples’ engagement at the WCIP 2014 processes which concluded in September 2014 in New York by the UN General Assembly. Dhamai is currently serving as the Member of AIPP Executive Council (Chair, Human Rights Program Committee) and a Member of the Board of Trustee (current Chair) of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples. He has been representing AIPP in the ESCR-Net since 2016 and been actively engaged through with Social Movement Working Group and Economic Policy Working Group, as well as providing support to AIPP representative to the ESCR-Net Women Working Group and Corporate Accountability Working Group. He was elected to the ESCR-Net Board in 2018.

Past Classes with Binota Moy Dhamai

May 2, 2019 @ 6:30 pm

Building a global movement for human rights and social justice: confronting systems of dispossession, exploitation and oppression

If our current economic and political systems are failing to realize human rights, where do we look for alternatives?
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